Strata GVMU/LVMU User Guide
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Chapter 1 – The Grand Tour
Organisation ................................................................................................................. v
Overview ......................................................................................................................2
Message Queues ...........................................................................................................4
New Message Queue ............................................................................................. 4
Message Types ............................................................................................................. 6
Reply Message ...................................................................................................... 6
Greetings ...................................................................................................................... 7
Personal ................................................................................................................. 7
System ................................................................................................................... 7
Busy ....................................................................................................................... 7
Special Delivery Options ............................................................................................. 8
Urgent ....................................................................................................................8
Private ....................................................................................................................8
Return Receipt ....................................................................................................... 8
Future Delivery ............................................................................................................ 8
Personal Distribution Lists .................................................................................... 9
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Chapter 2 – Getting Started
System Distribution Lists .................................................................................... 10
Directory .............................................................................................................. 10
User Options .............................................................................................................. 10
User Tutorial (New User) .......................................................................................... 11
User Tutorial .............................................................................................................. 13
From External Telephone .................................................................................... 15
From Internal Telephone ..................................................................................... 15
Playback Controls ...................................................................................................... 22
Special Functions ....................................................................................................... 27
Recording Controls .................................................................................................... 32
Forward a Message .................................................................................................... 37
Special Delivery Options ........................................................................................... 43
Future Delivery .......................................................................................................... 44
Change Your Greeting ............................................................................................... 46
Create or Record Over a Personal Greeting ........................................................ 47
Review a Greeting ............................................................................................... 50
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Chapter 6 – Integration Features
Change Your Message Notification .................................................................... 58
Review Your Option Settings ..............................................................................60
Manage Guest User IDs ............................................................................................. 63
Call Forward .............................................................................................................. 65
Responding to a Lit Msg LED ............................................................................ 67
CIX Integration .......................................................................................................... 68
Pause/Resume Recording .................................................................................... 71
Direct Transfer to Voice Mailbox ..............................................................................72
Voice Mail Conference .............................................................................................. 72
Notes to Users ............................................................................................................ 73
Glossary ........................................................................................................................ 83
Index................................................................................................................................ 87
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Chapter 6 – Integration Features
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
This guide describes the voice messaging capabilities and procedures for making your
voice mail system work for you.
This guide is divided as follows:
• Chapter 1 – The Grand Tour is an overview of the voice mail system. Topics
covered are: features to personalise your mailbox; an explanation of message
queues, types and destinations; special delivery options; playback/recording
controls; and available user options.
• Chapter 2 – Getting Started provides instructions on those features you need
when accessing your voice mail for the first time, including changing your security
code and recording your name.
• Chapter 3 – Play Messages contains step-by-step instructions on playing
• Chapter 4 – Send Messages details how to send, forward, and reply to a message.
• Chapter 5 – Manage Mailbox provides step-by-step instructions on recording
greetings, using destination (distribution) lists, and activating options such as Do
Not Disturb (DND) and Call Screening.
• Chapter 6 – Integration Features outlines Call Forward, Message Waiting, Soft
Key Control, Direct Transfer to Voice Mail and Voice Mail Conferencing features.
• Glossary defines frequently-used voice processing system features and functions.
• Index
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Elaborates specific items or references other information. Within
some tables, general notes apply to the entire table and numbered
notes apply to specific items.
Calls attention to important instructions or information.
Press to answer a call to the Extension Number. Each station can
have multiple extension buttons. Incoming calls ring the extension
button(s) from the top down. For example, station 10's extensions
ring 10-1 first, then 10-2, 10-3, and 10-4. A station is considered
busy when all extensions are being used.
The naming convention for DKT assignments within
Toshiba is Directory Numbers. For clarity and ease of
understanding, the terms Extension Number and Phantom
Extension Number will be used in this document in lieu of
PDN and PhDN.
Arial bold
Represents telephone buttons.
Shows a computer keyboard entry or screen display.
Indicates entry of a string of text.
Indicates entry of a single key. For example: Type prog then press
Shows a multiple PC keyboard or phone button entry. Entries
without spaces between them show a simultaneous entry. Example:
Esc+Enter. Entries with spaces between them show a sequential
entry. Example: # + 5.
Plus (+)
Tilde (~)
Means “through.” Example: 350~640 Hz frequency range.
Denotes the step in a one-step procedure.
Denotes a procedure.
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Related Documents/Media
See Figure 10
Cross-references appear in blue.
Action/Response Table
Actions you perform appear
in this column. They can
The immediate response to the action performed
appears in this column. Additional notes and comments
consist of either a single step are also included.
or a series of numbered
Related Documents/Media
Note Some documents listed here may appear in different versions on the website, or
in print. To find the most current version, check the version/date in the
Publication Information on the back of the document’s title page.
Important! Read this User Guide first, then use it with the Quick Reference Guide.
Strata CIX Installation and Maintenance Manual
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing Quick Reference Guide
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing Installation, Programming and
Maintenance Maual
For authorised users, BCD Partner Portal (
contains all current Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing documentation and
enables you to view, print, and download current publications.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Related Documents/Media
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
The Grand Tour
This chapter provides an overview of the system and covers the following general
• Features to personalise your mailbox
• Message queues
• Message types
• Greetings
• Special delivery options
• Future delivery
• Message destination selections
• User options
• User prompts
• User tutorial (New User)
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The Grand Tour
Your voice mail system manages multiple voice processing functions simultaneously
24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week. Your mailbox is always available for callers to leave
private voice messages. In addition, you can update your greeting at your convenience
or send and receive messages from any tone-dialling telephone.
Callers control their own progress through the system. They no longer have to wait for
a person to answer the telephone. If your extension is busy or you do not answer,
callers can transfer to an operator, call another extension, or record a private, detailed
A representative in your company has been assigned as the System Administrator for
the system. The System Administrator is responsible for configuring the system and
your mailbox to suit your company’s needs.
The configuration affects how and which features you can access. Whenever possible,
this guide provides information concerning feature exceptions and which features may
be configured to work differently.
You can access your mailbox from any tone-dialling telephone using your security
code. After you access your voice mail, you hear the number of messages you have in
your message queue(s), followed by a prompt from the Main Menu options (see
• Listen to your messages
• Send or forward messages
• Reply to messages
• Manage your mailbox (e.g., change your greetings, create distribution lists, etc.)
• Listen to your messages at different speeds
In addition LVMU can provide the following features
• lets you listen to messages being left in you mailbox in real time, allowing you
to connect the caller to your handset and take the call yourself should you wish.
• Call record can be used to record telephone conversations, either to your own
voicemail box or any other of your choice.
• Variable speed message play back.
Where these three features appear to in this document they refer only to LVMU and
are not supported by GVMU.
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The Grand Tour
Exit User Mode
Play the next message
Enter one of the following:
User ID plus
Directory plus name
Change your Greeting
Change your User Options
Manage your Lists
Save the current message
Delete the current message
Forward the current message
Reply to the current message
Special Functions
for a Personal List
Personal List (1~7)
System List (1~7)
Multiple Destinations
Review your current list
Add a User ID to the list
Delete a User ID from the list
Record a list Comment
Return to a previous menu
Replay the current message
Play the Previous message
Record a message, comment or reply
(Press when finished.)
Return to Main Menu
(number of messages to be
deleted plays)
Return to a previous menu
Manage Guest User IDs
Create a Guest User ID
Delete a Guest User ID
Review your Guest User IDs
Return to a previous menu
Return to a Main Menu
Send and Return to Main Menu
Review recording
Append recording
Select Additional Destinations
User ID plus
Toggle playback speed
Message Date and Time
Future Delivery Review
(Play, Save, Delete)
Personal List (1~7)
System List (1~7)
when finished
Continuous Delete
New/Saved message queue (toggle)
Continuous Play
for a Personal Greeting
for the System Greeting
Review selected greeting
Record (new) greeting
Review greeting
Special Delivery Options
Set Urgent status (On/Off)
Set Private status (On/Off)
Return to previous menu
Not available
for System
Append to recording
Cancel recording
Save recording
Set Return Receipt request
Return to previous menu
Set the Hour (1~12)
Set Future Delivery
Cancel message and select new
Return to a previous menu
Review current greeting
Return to a previous menu
Cancel and Return to Main Menu
Set the Minutes (0~59)
Set the Day (1~31)
Set the Month (1~12)
Set the Year (last two digits)
Change your Do Not Disturb (On/Off)
Change your Call Screening (On/Off)
Change your Security Code
Select your Busy Greeting (toggle)
Record your Busy Greeting
Record your Name
Return to previous menu
(message delivery time plays)
Enter notification template number
Enable/Disable notification template
Change notification digits
Save changes
Return to previous menu
Change message Notification
Review your Option Settings
Return to previous menu
7398 LVMU
Figure 1
Admin Main Menu
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The Grand Tour
Features to Personalise Your Mailbox
Features to Personalise Your Mailbox
Your voice mail processing system offers a variety of features to personalise your
User ID Mailbox. The following are a few of those features:
• User ID Mailbox Security Code – Your User ID mailbox has a security code. The
code must be entered by you in order to “log into” your User ID mailbox, giving
• Name Recording – Your name can be announced whenever you log onto your
mailbox, the directory is accessed, the system greeting is selected, or when a
message is sent by another voice mail user. When you first enter your mailbox, you
• Personal Greetings – You can record up to seven personal greetings that are
• Guest Users– You can create Guest User IDs that can be used by clients, friends,
etc. Users frequently use this feature to create guest IDs for clients, so that they
page 63).
Message Queues
Your messages reside in one of two queues—new or saved. Messages play in FIFO
(First In, First Out) or LIFO (Last In, First Out) order. Ask your System Administrator
to find out how your mailbox is configured.
New Message Queue
Messages in the New Message Queue are New or Pending messages.
New messages consist of messages that are unheard or partially heard (less than five
seconds). They remain in the queue, the Message Waiting LED remains on, and a
Return Receipt is not sent, if applicable, until the message is completely heard.
Messages that you have partially heard (five seconds or longer) are called Pending
messages. They remain in the New Message Queue, the Message Waiting LED is
turned off, and a Return Receipt is sent, if applicable.
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The Grand Tour
Message Queues
Note The Pending messages feature is available on a mailbox-to-mailbox basis.
Check with your System Administrator to find out if your mailbox is
configured for this feature.
When you press 1 from the Main Menu to play messages, your voice mail system
automatically accesses the New Message Queue. A new message begins to play based
on the type (urgent messages play first) and order received (FIFO/LIFO). If no new
messages exist, your voice mail system automatically accesses the Saved Message
Queue. If you are in the Saved Message Queue, you can toggle back to the New
Message Queue by pressing 77.
After you play the last message in the queue, your voice mail system prompts, “End of
messages.” You can choose to return to the top of the queue, go to the top of the other
queue, etc.
Saved Message Queue
Saved messages are messages that you saved or that were automatically saved by your
voice mail system at the end of the message.
Access the Saved Message Queue from the Main Menu by pressing 177 or from the
New Message Queue by pressing 77. Your voice mail system automatically accesses
the Saved Message Queue when no new messages exist. Saved messages play based
on order received (FIFO/LIFO).
After you play the last message in the queue, your voice mail prompts, “End of
messages.” You can choose to return to the top of the queue, go to the top of the other
queue, etc.
Note Ask your System Administrator to find out if your mailbox is configured with
one or two (New and Saved) message queue(s).
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The Grand Tour
Message Types
Message Types
New and Saved Messages can consist of the following special types of messages—
forwarded and message reply.
Forwarded Message
Any message sent to you can be forwarded to a single destination or a personal or
system distribution list. When forwarding a message, recording a message (comment)
is optional.
Reply Message
Messages to which you want to send an immediate answer can be sent as a reply
message. When replying to a message, your voice mail system does not prompt you to
select the destination since it “remembers” the source. The Reply feature only works if
the original message is sent from another voice mail user on the same system.
When listening to a reply message, a prompt notifies the user of the name/User ID of
the person who sent the reply.
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The Grand Tour
You can select either a personal or system greeting to play to callers when you do not
answer or when your telephone is busy.
Depending on how your system is configured, callers may hear a separate busy
Personal greetings are greetings that you record for callers. Your voice mail system
stores all recorded greetings under the personal greeting number (1~7) for your
mailbox. Using the greeting number, you can select the greeting which plays.
The System Administrator can also schedule your greetings to automatically play at
different times. If you choose, you can override the automatic schedule using the
The system greeting is a standard prerecorded greeting. It cannot be recorded over or
deleted. The greeting states, “Please leave a message for (name).” Your voice mail
system adds your name from the name recording that you have made (see “Record
If your User ID mailbox is configured for a personal busy greeting, you can record a
custom busy greeting that plays when your extension is busy. If a custom greeting is
not recorded, the default system busy greeting plays. See “Create or Record Over
The custom busy greeting can also be turned on/off using the Select Your Busy
Note The System Administrator must configure your User ID mailbox for the custom
busy greeting option to be available.
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The Grand Tour
Special Delivery Options
Special Delivery Options
In addition to recording and sending a new message, you can mark the message
urgent, private, or request a return receipt.
Messages can be marked urgent by the sender and always play first in the New
Message Queue. After the message plays, the urgent status is removed.
Messages can be marked private by the sender. The same options, such as saving and
deleting, apply to the private messages; however, a private message cannot be
forwarded. Once a message is sent, the private status cannot be removed.
Return Receipt
You can mark a message Return Receipt if you want verification of its receipt. When a
user plays (completely or partially) a message marked for Return Receipt, a
notification is sent back to the sender. Your voice mail system notifies the sender
when and by whom the message was received and plays the original message.
Future Delivery
Your voice mail system can be configured so that your message is delivered at a future
time and date specified by you. After marking the message for future delivery, you can
review (play, save, delete) the message at any time before it is sent.
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The Grand Tour
Message Destination Selections
Message Destination Selections
At the beginning of the Send Messages menu, you are asked to enter the message
destination(s).You can choose to enter a single destination (e.g., User ID) or multiple
destinations (e.g., personal list, User ID, system list). Entering the Multiple
Destinations option enables you to address your message to all the recipients at the
start of the menu.
You can then record your message and, if desired, add additional destinations when
prompted later in the menu. Valid destinations are:
• User ID
Note If you don’t know the user’s User ID, you can locate the ID on your voice mail
system’s system-wide directory by pressing 00.
• Personal distribution list
• System distribution list
Personal Distribution Lists
You can originate up to seven Personal Distribution Lists consisting of other system
users. You can add or delete users at any time. The lists are for only your use.
At the time you create a list, you are given the option of recording a “list comment”
that serves as the title or name for the list. The comment plays each time you use the
list to confirm that you have chosen the correct distribution list.
Important! Try not to duplicate users on your distribution lists. Your voice mail
system does not check for duplicates when you send a message using
more than one list. For example, if you select Personal Distribution List
#1 and #3 as destinations for your message and User ID 1001 is on both
lists, User ID 1001 receives the same message twice.
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The Grand Tour
User Options
System Distribution Lists
In addition to Personal Distribution Lists, your voice mail system supports system-
wide distribution lists created by the System Administrator for use by everyone in
your company. You should check with your System Administrator to find out which
lists are available.
Whenever you enter the list number, the “list comment” for the selected system list
plays to confirm that you have chosen the right list.
You can enter the Dual Tone Multi-frequency (DTMF) digits corresponding to the
first few letters of a user’s name and your voice mail system plays the recorded name
(User ID and optionally the extension) that matches the combination of entered digits.
You can then select the name or go on to the next name in the directory.
Each User ID can be identified with up to two names. These names are entered into
the automated directory by the System Administrator and enhance the directory’s
search/find capabilities. Common choices for the names are the first and last names of
the user or the last name of the user and a commonly misspelled version of the last
User Options
You can set your telephone for Do Not Disturb (DND) or call screening, select or
record a busy greeting (plays when your telephone is busy), and designate where or
how you are notified of a message.
Important! The System Administrator must activate these features for them to be
• DND – Your voice mail system automatically sends calls to your User ID
(mailbox) without first ringing your telephone.
• Call Screening – Your voice mail system asks callers for their name and company.
Without the caller’s knowledge, the system relays that information to you. You can
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
The Grand Tour
User Prompts
decide to receive the call, let the call forward to your mailbox, or transfer the call to
another extension with or without an announcement.
• Busy Greeting – You can record your own custom busy greeting that plays when
callers reach your extension, and it is busy.
• Message Notification – Your User ID can have up to 10 notification records
programmed by the System Administrator with a specific notification method
(message waiting lights, stutter dial tone, pagers, voice, etc.) and the time/day
when that notification record applies.
Once you have turned on a specific notification record, your voice mail system
automatically calls you at the designated number and with the chosen method to
notify you of your messages.
User Prompts
Your voice mail system prompts only for menu options available to you. You do not
hear prompts for options:
• Not supported by your voice mail system.
• Not configured for your mailbox by the System Administrator (e.g., guest users, do
not disturb).
Check with your System Administrator to verify which user options are available to
User Tutorial (New User)
A first time user of the voice mail system automatically hears a user-friendly tutorial
upon logging in to his/her mailbox. The tutorial walks the user through the process of:
• Recording his/her name (if required)
• Recording a personal greeting for the mailbox
• Changing the default security code
Once the tutorial is completed successfully, it cannot be replayed.
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The Grand Tour
User Tutorial (New User)
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Getting Started
This chapter instructs you on accessing and exiting your mailbox and outlines the user
tutorial steps.
User Tutorial
When you log on to the your voice mail system for the very first time, you hear a
tutorial that walks you through the following basic steps:
• Record your name (if required). Your name is announced whenever you log onto
your mailbox (varies by system), the directory is accessed, the system greeting is
selected, or when another voice mail user sends a message to you.
• Record your personal greeting. Your personal greeting automatically plays when
you are not available to answer your telephone.
• Change the default security code for your mailbox to ensure privacy. You should
change it on a regular basis.
Note If you do not complete the tutorial before hanging up, your voice mail system
saves any completed portion (e.g., your name recording). Next time you log on
to your mailbox any saved portions are replay and the tutorial continues. Once
the tutorial is completed successfully, it cannot be replayed.
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Getting Started
Step 1: Access Your Mailbox
Step 1: Access Your Mailbox
The Main Menu (shown below) is your starting point for all of your voice mail
system’s messaging features. Pressing 999 from most menus returns you to the Main
To access your mailbox, you need to know:
• The telephone number to access your voice mail system
• Your User ID number
• Your default security code
Please ask your System Administrator if you do not have this information.
Play Messages
Send Messages
Manage Mailbox
Exit user mode
Hang Up
Each time you access your User ID (mailbox), your voice mail system announces:
• Your name (and extension, if applicable)
Note Your voice mail system may not be configured to play your name when you log
on to your mailbox.
• The number of new and saved messages you have in your message queue(s)
• The number of messages that will be purged upon exiting your mailbox, if
Your voice mail system then plays the Main Menu options.
If you receive new messages while you are logged on to your mailbox, your voice
mail system informs you that you have new messages when you return to the Main
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Getting Started
Step 1: Access Your Mailbox
From External Telephone
1. From an external
telephone, call your voice greeting.
mail system on
The system answers with your standard company
2. When voice mail
Your voice mail prompts you to enter your User ID.
answers, press .
3. Enter your User ID + #.
If your voice mail system is designed with a fixed
length number for your User ID, do not press # after
entering a User ID. See your System Administrator for
specific operation of your system.
Your voice mail prompts you to enter your security
4. Enter the default security If your voice mail system is designed with a fixed
code + #.
length number for your security code, do not press #
after entering the security code. See your System
Administrator for specific operation of your system.
If you make a mistake
while entering the code,
You are now in your mailbox. Your voice mail system
plays your name and the number of messages you
have and then prompts you with a list of choices from
the Main Menu.
press to re-enter.
From Internal Telephone
1. From an internal
telephone, call your voice code.
mail system on
Your voice mail prompts you to enter your security
2. Enter the default security If your voice mail system is designed with a fixed
code + #.
length number for your security code, do not press #
after entering the security code. See your System
Administrator for specific operation of your system.
If you make a mistake
while entering the code,
You are now in your mailbox. Your voice mail system
plays your name and the number of messages you
have and then prompts you with a list of choices from
the Main Menu.
press to re-enter.
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Getting Started
Step 2: Record Your Name
Step 2: Record Your Name
Your name is announced whenever you log onto your mailbox, the directory is
accessed, the system greeting is selected, or when a message is sent by another voice
mail user.
Note Your voice mail system may not be configured to play your name when you log
on to your mailbox.
When you first enter your mailbox, the tutorial prompts you to record your name and
walks you through the entire recording sequence. You can re-record your name at any
1. At the tone, state your
name slowly and clearly
(if you like, you can also
state your extension).
2. Press # when done.
Your voice mail plays your name recording.
3. After your name plays,
1 To accept the
Your recording becomes part of your mailbox and
your voice mail system prompts you to record your
personal greeting.
2 Re-record
Your voice mail system returns you to the record your
name prompt.
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Getting Started
Step 3: Record Your Personal Greeting(s)
Step 3: Record Your Personal Greeting(s)
The tutorial now prompts you to record your personal greeting. This greeting becomes
Personal greetings should be informative and advise callers when you will be
available to return their calls or respond to their messages. You can update personal
greetings as often as you want.
Sample Greeting
“Hi. This is Mary Smith of the Toshiba Marketing Department. It is Monday, 19th
June, and I am in the office today. I am either on the telephone or have stepped away
from my desk. At the tone please leave a detailed message and a contact number
where I can reach you and I will be happy to return your call.”
1. At the tone, begin
The following information should be included in your
Personal Greeting:
recording your greeting.
• Your name
• Company and/or department
• Date
• Your availability
• Instructions to leave a detailed message
• Call coverage options
Your voice mail system plays your greeting.
2. Press # when done.
3. After your greeting plays,
1 To accept the
Your greeting becomes Personal Greeting #1 and your
voice mail system prompts you to change your
security code.
2 Re-record
Your voice mail system returns you to the record your
greeting prompt.
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Getting Started
Step 4: Change Your Security Code
Step 4: Change Your Security Code
The tutorial prompts you to change your mailbox’s security code from the preassigned
code. You should change your security code on a regular basis thereafter to ensure the
1. Enter your new security
The minimum and maximum number of digits for the
security code are determined by your System
Administrator. Please ask your System Administrator
for confirmation on the number.
code + #.
Your voice mail system prompts you to re-enter your
new security code for verification.
2. Re-enter your new
After entering the security code a second time, your
voice mail system announces that your security code
has been changed.
security code + #.
You have completed the tutorial. Your voice mail system announces “mailbox number
xxx is enabled,” plays your recorded name and announces the number of messages in
your mailbox. You can now perform any of the functions available on your voice mail
system’s Main Menu or exit the mailbox.
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Getting Started
Step 5: Exit Your Mailbox or User Mode
Step 5: Exit Your Mailbox or User Mode
³ To exit your mailbox,
press # to hang up from a
Toshiba telephone system
When you press # to hang up, you hear “Thank you
for calling. Good-bye.”
...or 999# to hang up
from another
manufacturer’s telephone
...or to exit the user
mode, press 0.
Your voice mail system can be configured so that you
can exit your mailbox without leaving the voice mail
system. Please ask your System Administrator to find
out if your system is configured for this or some other
function when pressing 0.
If you have the “0 to EXIT User Mode” capability,
you hear the voice mail system’s company greeting.
You can now access another user or a different
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Getting Started
Step 5: Exit Your Mailbox or User Mode
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Play Messages
This chapter explains how to use the Play Messages feature. It discusses:
• Access Messages
• Playback Controls
• Play your messages
• Special functions
Depending upon your telephone system and telephone, a message waiting light is lit
on your telephone when a voice message has been left for you on the voice mail
If configured, your voice mail system automatically turns off your message waiting
light on your telephone when your new message queue is empty or only Pending
remains on only if there are new messages in the queue.
Access Messages
Once you press 1 to play your messages, the following telephone keys assist you in
going through your messages:
Takes you to the next message or back to the top of the queue when you have
reached the last message in the queue.
1 Replays the current message.
2 Takes you to the previous message or back to the last message in the queue when
you have reached the top of the message queue.
77 Toggles between the New and Saved Message Queues.
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Play Messages
Playback Controls
If new messages arrive while you are accessing your mailbox, your voice mail system
notifies you that a new message is in the queue upon returning to the Main menu.
Playback Controls
While playing a message, you can pause, control the volume, location, and speed of
playback using the following keys (shown below).
to play Previous Message
(from first message go to last)
Play Next Message
(from last message go to first)
(toggle or 30 secs.)
Turn Up volume
Back Up (rewind)
Go Forward (advance)
7435 LVMU
Turn Down (advanced)
Toggle playback speed
Turn Down volume
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Play Messages
Playback Controls
1 Play Next Message
Plays next message in queue. If you are at the last message in the queue, goes to the
first message in the same queue.
2 Play Previous Message
Plays previous message in queue. If you are at the first message in the queue, goes to
the last message in the same queue.
4 Pause/Resume (toggle or 30 seconds)
At any time while playing messages, you can press 4 to pause the playback for 30
seconds. The message resumes playing as soon as you press 4 or automatically at the
end of 30 seconds. You can pause the playback as many times as necessary.
8 Turn Up Volume, 0 Turn Down Volume
Each time you press 8 or 0, the volume of messages adjusts one increment until the
maximum number of increments is reached. Your voice mail system saves the current
level when you exit.
Back Up (rewind)
The message backs up/rewinds and then begins playing. The default is five seconds
(set by the System Administrator).
# Go Forward (advance)
The message goes forward/advances and then begins playing. The default is five
seconds (set by the System Administrator).
## Toggle playback speed (LVMU only)
Toggles play speed between normal and 20% faster playback.
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Play Messages
Play Your Messages
Play Your Messages
When you access your mailbox, your voice mail system tells you the number of
urgent, new and saved messages (if supported by your system; check with your
System Administrator) you have in your mailbox. If your mailbox is empty, the voice
mail system prompts do not include “press 1 to play messages.”
When you press 1 from the Main Menu to play messages (menu shown below), your
voice mail system automatically accesses the New Message Queue. If no messages
exist in the New Message Queue, your voice mail system automatically accesses the
Saved Message Queue.
Play Messages
Play the next message
Save the current mesage
Delete the current message
Forward the current message
Reply to the current message
While playing a message, you can press:
Special Functions
Pause/Resume (toggle or 30 seconds)
Message Date and Time
Turn Up volume
Future Delivery Review (Play, Save, Delete)
Turn Down volume
Continuous Delete
Backup (rewind)
New/Saved message queue (toggle)
Go Forward (advance)
Continuous Play
Toggle playback speed
Return to previous menu
7399 LVMU
Replay the current message
Play the Previous message
Return to the Main Menu
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Play Messages
Play Your Messages
1. From the Main Menu,
A message plays.
press 1 Play Messages.
Once you play a message, your voice mail system
prompts you with the Play Messages Menu until you
press 9 to exit the menu or you activate another
While the message plays,
you can select 4 pause/
resume, 8 turn up
volume, 0 turn down
volume, back up
(rewind), # go forward
2. (Optional) While the
message plays or
immediately after, you
can select one of the
1 Play the next message Skips to the beginning of the next message.
Note If you reach the end of your messages, pressing
1 takes you back to the top of the same queue.
2 Save the current
Saves the current message. The Play Messages Menu
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Play Messages
Play Your Messages
3 Delete the current
Flags the current message for deletion. The Play
Messages Menu plays. When you exit Play Messages,
your voice mail system tells you the number of
messages to be deleted. If you do not want to delete a
message, save the message before exiting your
Note Your voice mail system can be programmed to
delete messages after a preset length of time.
Consult your System Administrator. Your voice
mail system notifies you before purging
5 Forward the current
With the exception of private messages, all messages
can be forwarded to a single user, multiple users, or a
for details on this feature.
6 Reply to the current
Your reply is sent to the originator of the message. In
addition, you can send your reply to a single user,
multiple users, or a destination list. See “Reply to the
7 Special Functions
using this option.
1 Replay the current
The current message plays from the beginning.
2 Play the previous
The previous message plays from the beginning.
Note If you are at the top of the message queue,
pressing 2 takes you to the bottom of the
same queue.
9 Return to Main Menu Your voice mail system tells you the total number of
messages that will be deleted when you log out of
your mailbox, and then returns to the Main Menu.
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Play Messages
Special Functions
Special Functions
You can check the date and time a message was sent, or review a message set for
future delivery in the Play Messages menu.
When you play a message, this option is available by pressing 7 Special Functions.
Press an option number:
4 Message Date and
The date and time the message was received plays,
followed by the entire message.
Note If your System Administrator programmed an
automatic date and time stamp for all messages,
the stamp plays automatically at the beginning
of each message.
5 Future Delivery
Your voice mail system plays your name, the future
delivery time/date the message will be sent and the
entire message. Your voice mail system automatically
saves the message for future delivery.
While the message is
playing or
immediately after,
you can select any of
the following:
Play the next
Skips to the beginning of the next future delivery
Save the current
Saves the current future delivery message.
Delete the current Flags the current future delivery message for deletion.
When you exit the future delivery review, voice mail
tells you the number of messages to be deleted. If you
do not want to delete a message, save the message
before exiting the future delivery review.
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Play Messages
Special Functions
Return to the
Special Functions
Your voice mail system tells you the total number of
messages that will be deleted when you log out of your
mailbox, and then returns to the Special Functions
6 Continuous Delete
Deletes multiple messages at one time in your New or
Saved Message Queue without additional action from
before using Continuous Delete.
The number of messages deleted is based on a preset
length of time (designated in minutes) set on a
system-wide basis by your System Administrator.
Important! The deletion starts with the first message
in the queue and continues until the
preset time has expired. Both heard and
unheard messages are deleted. If there
are two queues—new and saved—the
deletion occurs only in the queue you are
in when you press 6 for continuous
Ask your System Administrator to verify that you have
this option.
7 New/Saved message
This feature operates as a toggle; use it to move back
and forth between the New and Saved Message
queue (toggle)
8 Continuous Play
Plays multiple messages at one time in your New or
Saved Message Queue without additional action from
The number of messages played is based on a preset
length of recorded time (designated in minutes) and
therefore varies. (Your System Administrator sets the
length of time on a system-wide basis.) The messages
played are those whose cumulative time is equal to, or
less than, the designated number of minutes.
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Play Messages
Special Functions
Important! The playback starts with the first
message in the queue and continues until
the preset time has expired. If there are
two queues—new and saved—the
playback occurs only in the queue you
are in when you press 8 for continuous
Ask your System Administrator to verify that you have
this option.
9 Return to previous
Your voice mail system returns to the Play Messages
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Play Messages
Special Functions
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Send Messages
From any tone-dialling telephone, you can record and send a message to a user,
several users, or to a personal or system distribution list.
This chapter covers:
• Recording controls
• Send a message
• Forward a message
• Reply to the current message
• Special delivery options
• Future delivery
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Send Messages
Recording Controls
Recording Controls
While recording a message, you can pause/resume the recording or end the recording
using the following keys (shown below).
(toggle or 30 secs.)
End recording
4 Pause/Resume (toggle or 30 seconds)
At any time while recording messages to another mailbox in the system, you can press
4 to pause for 30 seconds. The message resumes recording as soon as you press 4.
Your voice mail system prompts you with, “Begin recording... (Beep).”
If within the 30 seconds you do not press 4, voice mail restarts another 30-second
pause. If during the second 30-second pause you:
• Do not press any key, voice mail assumes you have cancelled the message and
returns to the Main Menu.
• Press #, your voice mail system returns you to the Send Messages Menu and you
can send, review or record over the message.
# End Recording
After recording a message, press # to end the recording.
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Send Messages
Send a Message
Send a Message
Using the Send Messages Menu (shown below), you can record a message and send it
to a single mailbox or multiple destinations (e.g., personal or system distribution list),
forward a message (with a comment), or reply to a message sent you.
From the Main Menu:
While recording a message, you
can press:
Play Messages
Forward the current message
Pause/Resume (toggle or 30
Reply to the current message
End recording
Send Messages
Enter one of the following:
User ID plus
Directory plus name
Personal List (1~7)
System List (1~7)
Multiple Destinations
Select from the following:
User ID plus
Directory plus name
Personal List (1~7)
System List (1~7)
Record a message, comment, or reply
when finished
Send and Return to Main menu
Review recording
Append recording
Select Additional Destinations
Special Delivery Options
Set Urgent status (On/Off)
Set Private status (On/Off)
Set Return Receipt request (On/Off)
Return to previous menu
Set Future Delivery
Set the Hour (1~12)
Set the Minutes (0~59)
Set the Day (1~31)
Set the Month (1~12)
Set the Year (last two digits)
Cancel message and select new destination
Cancel and return to Main Menu
Return to previous menu
(message delivery time plays)
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Send Messages
Send a Message
1. From the Main Menu,
Your voice mail system prompts you to enter the
destination (i.e., User ID, Personal, System List, or
Multiple Destinations).
press 2 Send Messages.
2. Enter one of the
Note A message can be sent to a total of 33
destinations, including destinations entered in
list counts as one destination.
following destinations:
• User ID and press #.
Your voice mail system plays the user’s name or User
Press # again to record ID for confirmation.
a message without
playing the user’s
Note If your voice mail system is designed with a
fixed length number for your User ID, do not
press # after entering a User ID. See your
System Administrator for specific operation of
your system.
• 00 Directory
You are prompted to enter the person’s name.
Enter the first few
letters of the first or
last name (Q=7, Z=9).
Your voice mail system plays the first name that
matches the combination of letters you entered.
Press # to select the
name as the
...or 1 to hear the next
...or to cancel your
entry and re-enter.
• 01 Personal List
You are prompted for the destination list number.
Your voice mail system plays the list comment or
page 61 to create or revise a destination (distribution)
Enter a list number
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Send Messages
Send a Message
• 02 System List
You are prompted for the destination list number.
Your voice mail system plays the list comment or
number for confirmation. Ask your System
Administrator for more information about System
Enter a list number
• 04 Multiple
You are prompted for the destinations: User ID, 00,
01 Personal List and/or 02 System List.
3. Record a message after
the tone. When finished,
press #.
While recording, you can
press 4 to pause/resume
(toggle or 30 seconds)
the recording.
4. Press # again to send the
Your voice mail system tells you that your message
has been sent and returns you to the Main Menu.
message immediately
Important! If you press # to send your message,
you cannot use the special recording
and sending options.
...or before sending the
message, you can use any
of the following options:
1 Review recording
The recording plays.
2 Re-record
The system prompts you to record at the beep.
Press # when done.
3 Append recording
The appended recording plays after the already
recorded portion of the message. The system prompts
you to record at the beep.
Press # when done.
4 Select Additional
Send the message to additional destinations. Valid
entries: User ID, 00, 01 and 02. You cannot enter
04 Multiple Destinations.
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Send Messages
Send a Message
7 Special Delivery
You can send a message as urgent, private, or with a
return receipt request. The settings can be used in any
combination and changed prior to sending the
instructions on using this option.
8 Set Future Delivery
You can have your message delivered at a future
page 44 for instructions on using this option.
Cancel message and
select new destination
Cancel and Return to
the Main Menu
Cancels the message and returns you to the Main
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Send Messages
Forward a Message
Forward a Message
Any message sent to you can be forwarded to a single destination or a personal or
system distribution list. When forwarding a message, recording a message (comment)
is optional.
1. From the Play Messages
Menu, press 5 Forward
the current message.
Your voice mail system prompts you to enter the
destination (i.e., User ID, Personal, System List or
Multiple Destinations).
2. Enter one of the
Note A forwarded message can be sent to a total of
33 destinations, including destinations entered
list counts as one destination.
following destinations:
• User ID and press #.
Your voice mail system plays the user’s name or User
Press # again to record ID for confirmation.
a message without
playing the user’s
Note If your voice mail system is designed with a
fixed length number for your User ID, do not
press # after entering a User ID. See your
System Administrator for specific operation of
your system.
• 00 Directory
You are prompted to enter the person’s name.
Enter the first few
letters of the first or
last name (Q = 7,
Z = 9).
Your voice mail system plays the first name that
matches the combination of the letters you entered.
Press # to select the
name as the
...or 1 to hear the next
...or to cancel your
entry and re-enter.
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Send Messages
Forward a Message
• 01 Personal List
You are prompted for the destination list number.
Your voice mail system plays the list comment or
page 61 to create or revise a destination (distribution)
Enter a list number
• 02 System List
You are prompted for the destination list number.
Your voice mail system plays the list comment or
number for confirmation. Ask your System
Administrator for more information about System
Enter a list number
• 04 Multiple
You are prompted for the destinations: User ID, 00,
01 Personal List and/or 02 System List.
3. (Optional) Record a
message (comment) after
the tone. When finished,
press #.
While recording, you can
press 4 to pause/resume
(toggle or 30 seconds)
the recording.
4. Press # again to forward
Your voice mail system tells you that your message
the message immediately has been forwarded and returns you to the Main
Important! If you press # to forward your message,
you cannot use the special recording
and sending options.
...or before sending the
message, you can use any
of the following options:
1 Review recording
The forwarding comment plays.
2 Re-record
The system prompts you to record the comment at the
Press # when done.
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Send Messages
Forward a Message
3 Append recording
The appended forwarding comment plays after the
already recorded message comment. The system
prompts you to record at the beep.
Press # when done.
4 Select Additional
Send the forwarded message to additional
destinations. Valid entries: User ID, 00, 01 and 02.
You cannot enter 04 Multiple Destinations.
7 Special Delivery
You can send a message as urgent, private, or with a
return receipt request. The settings can be used in any
combination and changed prior to sending the
instructions on using this option.
8 Set Future Delivery
You can have your message delivered at a future
page 44 for instructions on using this option.
Cancel message and
select new destination
Cancel and Return to
the Main Menu
Cancels the message and returns you to the Main
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Send Messages
Reply to the Current Message
Reply to the Current Message
Your voice mail system lets you reply to a message that you are currently playing.
When you reply to a message, you do not have to select the source of the message as a
destination since your voice mail system “remembers” it. You can send the reply to
additional destinations.
When the originator(s) receives and plays the reply, he/she hears the prompt, “Reply
message from [name or User ID].”
Important! The Reply feature only works if the original message is sent from a
another voice mail user. When a voice mail user that has not logged on
to his/her mailbox leaves a message for you, you have to enter a
destination to respond.
1. From the Play Messages
Menu, press 6 Reply to
the current message.
You are prompted to record your reply to the message.
2. Record your reply after
the tone. When finished,
press #.
While recording, you can
press 4 to pause/resume
(toggle or 30 seconds)
the recording.
3. Press # again to send the
Your voice mail system tells you that your reply has
been sent and returns you to the Main Menu.
reply immediately
Important! If you press # to send your reply you
cannot use the special recording and
sending options.
...or before sending the
reply, you can use any of
the following options:
1 Review reply
The recording plays.
2 Re-record
The system prompts you to record your reply at the
Press # when done.
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Send Messages
Reply to the Current Message
3 Append reply
The appended reply plays after the already recorded
portion. The system prompts you to record at the beep.
Press # when done.
4 Select Additional
Send the message to additional destinations. You may
repeat this step as often as necessary.
Enter one of the
• User ID and
press #. Press #
again to record a
reply without
playing the user’s
Your voice mail system plays the user’s name or User
ID for confirmation.
Note If your voice mail system is designed with a
fixed length number for your User ID, do not
press # after entering a User ID. See your
System Administrator for specific operation of
your system.
• 00 Directory
You are prompted to enter the person’s name.
Enter the first few
letters of the first or
last name (Q = 7,
Z = 9).
Your voice mail system plays the first name that
matches the combination of the letters you entered.
Press # to select the
name as the
...or 1 to hear the next
...or to cancel your
entry and re-enter.
• 01 Personal List
You are prompted for the destination list number.
Your voice mail system plays the list comment or
page 61 to create or revise a destination (distribution)
Enter a list number
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Send Messages
Reply to the Current Message
• 02 System List
You are prompted for the destination list number.
Your voice mail system plays the list comment or
number for confirmation. Ask your System
Administrator for more information about System
Enter a list number
7 Special Delivery
You can send a message as urgent, private, or with a
return receipt request. The settings can be used in any
combination and changed prior to sending the
instructions on using this option.
8 Set Future Delivery
You can have your message delivered at a future
page 44 for instructions on using this option.
Cancel reply
Cancel and Return to
Cancels the message and returns you to the Main
the Main Menu
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Send Messages
Special Delivery Options
Special Delivery Options
You can send a message as urgent, private, or with a return receipt request. The
settings can be used in any combination and changed prior to sending the message.
When you send, forward or reply to a message, this option is available by pressing 7
Special Delivery Options.
³ Enter an option number:
1 Set Urgent status
Urgent messages play first in the New Message
To remove the urgent
status, press 7 then 1
2 Set Private status
Private messages cannot be forwarded.
To remove the private
status, press 7 then 2
3 Set Return Receipt
Your voice mail system notifies you when and by
whom the message was received and plays the
original message.
request (toggle)
To remove the return
receipt request, press
7 then 3 again.
Note A message that is only partially heard (for
five seconds or longer) sends back a return
receipt to the sender.
9 Return to previous
Your voice mail system returns you to the
previous menu.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Send Messages
Future Delivery
Future Delivery
Your voice mail system can be configured so that your message is delivered at a future
specified time and date. After marking the message for future delivery, you can review
(play, save, delete) the message at any time before it is sent. See Chapter 3 – Play
Messages for instructions on using the Future Delivery Review option.
When you send, forward or reply to a message, this option is available by pressing 8
Set Future Delivery. You can choose any or all of the selections.
³ Enter an option number
Each of these settings default to the current
time/date. To set a future delivery time, you do not
need to enter all the options. For example, if you
have recorded a message and want to have it
delivered that afternoon at 2:30 PM, you only
need to enter the hour (2), select PM and enter the
minutes (30) using options 1 and 2.
and press #.
1 Set Hour (1~12)
Your voice mail system prompts you to select AM
or PM.
2 Set Minutes (0~59)
3 Set Day (1~31)
4 Set Month (1~12)
5 Set the Year (last two
Two-digit numbers under 80 will be set for the
next century. For example, enter 59 to set 2059.
9 Return to previous
Your voice mail system plays the message
delivery time and date and returns you to the
previous menu.
Note You can review, continue to send (save), or
delete this message using the Future
Delivery Review option on the Play
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Manage Mailbox
Your voice mail system provides special options to customise and manage your
mailbox features (menu shown below).
From the Main Menu:
Manage Mailbox
Change your Greeting
Change your User Options
Manage your Lists
Manage your Guest User IDs
Return to Main Menu
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Manage Mailbox
Change Your Greeting
Change Your Greeting
You can select either a personal or system greeting to play callers when you do not
answer or when your telephone is busy.
This section discusses the three basic greeting controls (menu shown below):
• Create or record over a personal greeting
• Change your greeting selection
• Review a greeting
From the Main Menu:
Manage Mailbox
From the Manage Mailbox Menu:
Change your Greeting
System Greeting
Review selected greeting
for a Personal Greeting or
for the
Record (new) greeting
Review recording
Not available
for System
Append to recording
Cancel recording
Save recording
Return to previous menu
Review current greeting
Return to previous menu
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Manage Mailbox
Change Your Greeting
Create or Record Over a Personal Greeting
Personal greetings should be informative and advise callers when you will be
available to return their calls or respond to their messages. You can update personal
greetings as often as you want. You can store up to seven different recorded greetings
from which you can choose as your personal greeting. The System Administrator can
also schedule your greetings to play automatically at different times.
1. From the Manage
Mailbox Menu, press
1 Change your Greeting.
Your voice mail system prompts with a list of
options from the Change your Greeting Menu.
2. Enter a number from
Your greeting is identified by the number chosen.
For example, you can record a general greeting as
greeting 1, then record a greeting for holidays as
greeting 2. Later, you can choose which one plays.
You can re-record a greeting at any time.
3. Press 2 to record the
greeting (speak slowly
and clearly).
The following information should be included in
your Personal Greeting:
• Your name
• Company and/or department
• Date
• Your availability
• Instructions to leave a detailed message
• Call coverage options
4. Press # when done.
Sample Greeting
“Hi. This is Mary Smith of the Toshiba Marketing
Department. It is Monday, 19th June, and I am in
the office today. I am either on the telephone or
am away from my desk. At the tone please leave a
detailed message and a contact number where I
can reach you and I will be happy to return your
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Manage Mailbox
Change Your Greeting
5. (Optional) After
recording, you can press:
1 Review recording
2 Re-record
The complete greeting plays.
The system prompts you to record at the beep.
Press # when done.
3 Append recording
Appending a greeting enables you to add
information to the end of your already recorded
greeting. The system prompts you to record at the
Press # when done.
4 Cancel recording
The greeting is cancelled. The system returns to
the previous menu.
9 Save recording
Your voice mail system tells you that greeting
(number) has been recorded and returns to the
previous menu. Again, you are given the option to
review or record over the greeting you have just
6. Press 9 to return to the
You are given the option to record another
previous menu.
7. Press 1 and select another
greeting number (1~7).
recorded is the greeting that callers
hear as your User ID greeting.
9. To return to the Main
Your voice mail system plays the Main Menu
Menu, press 999.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Manage Mailbox
Change Your Greeting
Change Your Greeting Selection
1. From the Main Menu,
Your voice mail system plays the Manage
press 3 Manage Mailbox. Mailbox Menu.
2. Press 1 Change your
Your voice mail system prompts with a list of
options from the Change Your Greeting Menu.
3. Enter a personal greeting
Your callers hear the selected greeting when you
do not answer or when your telephone is busy.
number (1~7)
...or # to select the
system greeting.
Your callers hear the system greeting when you do
not answer or when your telephone is busy.
Note If you have recorded a busy greeting, this
greeting does not play when your telephone
Important! The last greeting selected or
recorded is the greeting that callers
hear as your User ID greeting.
...or to review the
current greeting.
The current greeting plays.
4. Press 9 to return to the
Your voice mail system returns to the previous
previous menu
...or 99 to return to the
Manage Mailbox Menu
You can select another user Manage Mailbox
...or 999 to return to the
Main Menu.
You can select another Main Menu option.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Manage Mailbox
Change Your Greeting
Review a Greeting
1. From the Main Menu,
Your voice mail system plays the Manage
press 3 Manage Mailbox. Mailbox Menu.
2. Press 1 Change your
Your voice mail system plays a list of options
from the Change Your Greeting Menu.
3. Press to review the
The current greeting plays. Your voice mail
system prompts you with the Change Your
Greeting Menu options.
current greeting
Note Pressing does not affect the current
greeting selection.
...or enter a number from The greeting plays. Your voice mail system
prompts you with the Change Your Greeting
Menu options.
1~7, then press 1 to
review the greeting. Press
9 to return to previous
4. Press 9 to return to the
You can select another user Manage Mailbox
Manage Mailbox Menu
...or 99 to return to the
Main Menu.
You can select another Main Menu option.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Manage Mailbox
Change Your User Options
Change Your User Options
Your voice mail system provides a number of special options to improve time
management and productivity (menu shown below). For example, the DND feature
can provide blocks of time for meetings or projects uninterrupted by the ringing of a
From the Main Menu:
Manage Mailbox
Review recording
From the Manage Mailbox Menu:
Change your User Options
Append recording
Change your Do Not Disturb (On/Off)
Cancel recording
Change your Call Screening (On/Off)
Save recording
Change your Security Code
Select your Busy Greeting (toggle)
Record your Busy Greeting
Record your Name
Enter notification template number
Change message Notification
Review your Option Settings
Return to previous menu
Enable/Disable notification
template (toggle)
Change notification digits
Save changes
Return to previous menu
Important! If you do not hear all the options for this menu, they may not be
configured for your telephone or system. Please ask your System
Administrator to verify which user options are available to you.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Manage Mailbox
Change Your User Options
Change Your Do Not Disturb (DND) Setting
If you set this feature to on, your voice mail system automatically sends calls to your
User ID (mailbox) without first ringing your telephone. The System Administrator can
also set this feature to turn on or off automatically at pre-scheduled times and/or days
of the week.
1. From the Main Menu,
Your voice mail system plays the Manage
press 3 Manage Mailbox. Mailbox Menu.
2. Press 2 Change your
User Options.
3. Press 1 Change your Do
A prompt verifies the current status of the feature.
Not Disturb (On/Off).
Important! DND on the your voice processing
system is different from the DND
features for your telephone system.
If your telephone comes with a DND
button or feature, it works
independently from this feature on
your voice mail system.
4. (Optional) Press 1 again
to reset the feature, if
Pressing 1 toggles the DND feature On and Off.
5. Press 9 to return to the
You can select another user Manage Mailbox
Manage Mailbox Menu
...or 99 to return to the
Main Menu.
You can select another Main Menu option.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Manage Mailbox
Change Your User Options
Change Your Call Screening Setting
If you set this feature to on, your voice mail system asks callers for their name and
company. Without the caller’s knowledge, the system relays that information to you
and provides you with special options to handle the call (menu shown below).
Receive the call
Reject the call and let the call forward
to your mailbox
Transfer the call to another extension
with an announcement
Transfer the call to another extension
without an announcement
The System Administrator can also set this feature to turn on or off automatically at
pre-scheduled times and/or days of the week.
1. From the Main Menu,
Your voice mail system plays the Manage
press 3 Manage Mailbox. Mailbox options.
2. Press 2 Change your
User Options.
3. Press 2 Change your Call A prompt verifies the current status of the feature.
Screening (On/Off).
4. (Optional) Press 2 again
to reset the feature, if
Pressing 2 toggles the Call Screening feature On
and Off.
5. Press 9 to return to the
You can select another user Manage Mailbox
Manage Mailbox Menu
...or 99 to return to the
Main Menu.
You can select another Main Menu option.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Manage Mailbox
Change Your User Options
Change Your Security Code
Each User ID in the system has a security code. The code must be entered by you in
order to “log on” to your User ID mailbox, enabling you to access your messages,
settings, greetings, etc.
Note You can change your security code as often as you wish to ensure the privacy of
your messages and personal greetings.
1. From the Main Menu,
Your voice mail system prompts with a list of
press 3 Manage Mailbox. options from the Manage Mailbox Menu.
2. Press 2 Change your
Your voice mail system prompts with a list of
options from the Change your User Options
User Options.
3. Press 3 Change your
Your voice mail system prompts you to enter your
new security code.
Security Code.
4. Enter your new security
The minimum and maximum number of digits for
the security code are determined by your System
Administrator. Please ask your System
code + #.
Administrator for confirmation on the number.
Your voice mail system prompts you to re-enter
your new security code for verification.
5. Re-enter your new
After entering the security code a second time,
your voice mail system announces that your
security code has been changed.
security code + #.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Manage Mailbox
Change Your User Options
Create or Record Over Your Busy Greeting
You can record your own custom busy greeting that plays when callers reach your
extension and it is busy. While your callers are listening to the busy greeting, they can
enter a different User ID, press to hold (if configured for your mailbox by the
System Administrator), or remain on the line to leave a message.
Note Depending on the configuration of your telephone and telephone system,
Stratagy may not receive a busy tone when callers reach your extension. If
Stratagy doesn’t receive a busy tone, your selected personal greeting plays
If a custom greeting is not recorded, the default system busy greeting plays.
1. From the Main Menu,
Your voice mail system plays the Manage
press 3 Manage Mailbox. Mailbox options.
2. Press 2 Change your
User Options.
3. Press 5 Record your
Your voice mail system prompts you to record
your custom busy greeting.
Busy Greeting.
4. Begin recording at the
tone. Press # when done.
5. (Optional) After
recording, you can press:
1 Review greeting
The complete greeting plays.
2 Re-record
The system prompts you to record at the beep.
Press # when done.
3 Append recording
The system prompts you to record at the beep. The
appended greeting plays after the already recorded
portion of the greeting.
Press # when done.
4 Cancel recording
The greeting is cancelled. The system returns to
the previous menu.
9 Save recording
Your voice mail system tells you that the greeting
has been saved and returns to the previous menu.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Manage Mailbox
Change Your User Options
6. Press 9 to return to the
You can select another user Manage Mailbox
Manage Mailbox Menu
...or 99 to return to the
Main Menu.
You can select another Main Menu option.
Select Your Busy Greeting
1. From the Main Menu,
Your voice mail system plays the Manage
press 3 Manage Mailbox. Mailbox options.
2. Press 2 Change your
User Options.
3. Press 4 Select your Busy A prompt verifies the current status of the feature.
Greeting (toggle).
4. (Optional) Press 4 again
to reset the feature, if
Pressing 4 toggles between selecting your custom
busy greeting and the system busy greeting.
5. Press 9 to return to the
You can select another user Manage Mailbox
Manage Mailbox Menu
...or 99 to return to the
Main Menu.
You can select another Main Menu option.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Manage Mailbox
Change Your User Options
Record Your Name
Your name is announced whenever you log onto your mailbox, the directory is
accessed, the system greeting is selected, or when a message is sent by another voice
mail user.
Your voice mail system prompts you through the entire recording sequence. You can
re-record your name at any time simply by repeating these steps.
• Your voice mail system may not be configured to play your name when you log on
to your mailbox.
• Your system may be programmed such that you need to record your extension as
well as your name. Ask your System Administrator for the requirements of your
1. From the Manage
Mailbox Menu, press
2 Change your User
Your voice mail system prompts with Change
your User Options Menu.
2. Press 6 Record your
Your voice mail system prompts you to record
your name.
3. At the tone, state your
name slowly and clearly
(and your extension, if
Press # when done.
4. (Optional) After
recording, you can press:
1 Review recording
Your newly recorded name (and extension) plays.
2 Re-record
You can re-record your name (and extension) as
often as you wish.
Press # when done.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Manage Mailbox
Change Your User Options
3 Append recording
You can add a short comment that plays at the end
of the recording (for example, a vacation
Press # when done.
4 Cancel recording
You can cancel your newly recorded name (and
extension) and return to the previous menu.
9 Save recording
Your voice mail system confirms that your name
(and extension) has been recorded and returns to
the previous menu.
Change Your Message Notification
Your User ID can have up to 10 notification records programmed by the System
Administrator with a specific notification method (message waiting lights, pagers,
voice, etc.) and the time/day when that notification record applies. The repeat count
(how many times the notification is attempted) and interval for retrying the
notification is also set.
Once you have turned on the notification record numbers, your voice mail system
automatically calls you at the designated number and with the chosen notification
Using the Change Message Notification option, you can enable/disable a notification
method and/or change the notify phone number.
1. From the Main Menu,
Your voice mail system plays the Manage
press 3 Manage Mailbox. Mailbox options.
2. Press 2 Change your
User Options.
3. Press 7 Change message
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Manage Mailbox
Change Your User Options
4. Enter the notification
Stratagy confirms the template number, spells the
template number (1~10). template title, states whether the template is
enabled or disabled, and tells you the phone
number (if applicable).
Note To select the correct notification template,
you need to keep a written record of the
template number and function for each
template you will be changing.
5. Press an option number:
1 Enable/disable
notification template
Pressing 1 toggles the notification template
between Enable and Disable. After pressing 1, a
prompt verifies the current status.
2 Change notification
digits. Enter the new
notification telephone
number’s digits and
press #.
Your voice mail system verifies the telephone
number entered.
# Save changes
Your voice mail system tells you that the
notification template changes have been saved.
Your voice mail system returns to the previous
9 Return to previous
Your voice mail system cancels the change
message notification options and returns to the
previous menu.
6. Press 9 to return to the
You can select another user Manage Mailbox
Manage Mailbox Menu
...or 99 to return to the
Main Menu.
You can select another Main Menu option.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Manage Mailbox
Change Your User Options
Review Your Option Settings
1. From the Main Menu,
Your voice mail system plays the Manage
press 3 Manage Mailbox. Mailbox options.
2. Press 2 Change your
User Options.
3. Press to Review your
Your voice mail system verifies the status of your
DND, Call Screening options and plays your
selected busy message and name recording.
Option Settings.
4. Press 9 to return to the
You can select another user Manage Mailbox
Manage Mailbox Menu
...or 99 to return to the
Main Menu.
You can select another Main Menu option.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Manage Mailbox
Manage Your Lists
Manage Your Lists
Your voice mail system provides the ability to create and manage up to seven personal
distribution lists. The lists consist of the User IDs to which you most frequently send
At the time you create a list, you are given the option of recording a “list comment”
that serves as a title or name for the list. The comment plays each time you use the list
to confirm that you have chosen the correct distribution list.
From the Manage Your Lists Menu (shown below), you can review the list contents,
add and delete User IDs to the list, and record a list comment to help you identify the
From the Main Menu:
Manage Mailbox
From the Manage Mailbox Menu:
Manage your Lists
for a Personal List
Review your current list
Add a User ID to the list
Delete a User ID from the list
Record a list Comment
Return to previous menu
Return to previous menu
1. From the Main Menu,
Your voice mail system plays the Manage
press 3 Manage Mailbox. Mailbox Menu.
2. Press 3 Manage your
3. Select the desired list
You are prompted to enter an option.
number 1~7.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Manage Mailbox
Manage Your Lists
4. After selecting a list, you
can press:
1 Review your current
The system prompts you with the name (and
extension) of each User ID on the list.
2 Add a User ID to the
Your voice mail system prompts you to enter the
User ID.
Enter the User ID.
Press # when done.
The name (and extension) plays. You can add
additional User IDs as needed.
3 Delete a User ID from Your voice mail system prompts you to enter the
User ID.
the list
Enter the User ID.
Press # when done.
The name (and extension) plays. The system
prompts “Deleted.”
4 Record a list
When sending a message, the comment plays each
time the destination list is selected. Your voice
mail system prompts you to record the comment.
Record your
comment. Press #
when done.
5. Press 9 to return to the
Your voice mail system returns to the previous
previous menu
...or 99 to return to the
Manage Mailbox Menu
You can select another Manage Mailbox option.
...or 999 to return to the
Main Menu.
You can select another Main Menu option.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Manage Mailbox
Manage Guest User IDs
Manage Guest User IDs
Guest User IDs provide limited access to the voice mail system for temporary and
project-oriented employees, such as consultants and contractors. Guest users can only
send messages to their Host User ID and other guests of their Host User ID.
The Guest User IDs are selected from a system-generated list and assigned on a per-
use basis. See your System Administrator for details if you have this feature.
Managing Guest User IDs involves creating and deleting these IDs (menu shown
From the Main Menu:
Manage Mailbox
From the Manage Mailbox Menu:
Manage Guest Mailboxes
Create a Guest Mailbox
Delete a Guest Mailbox
Review your Guest Mailboxes
Return to previous menu
1. From the Main Menu,
Your voice mail system plays the Manage
press 3 Manage Mailbox. Mailbox Menu.
2. Press 4 Manage Guest
Your voice mail system plays the Manage Guest
User IDs Menu.
User IDs.
3. Select one of the
1 Create a Guest User
The system prompts with a Guest User ID
number. Be sure to make a note of the number and
the person you assign.
2 Delete a Guest User
Your voice mail system prompts you to enter the
User ID.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Manage Mailbox
Use Guest User IDs
Enter the User ID.
Press # when done.
The system confirms the Guest User ID is deleted.
The system lists your Guest User ID numbers.
3 Review your Guest
User IDs
4. Press 9 to return to the
You can select another user Manage Mailbox
Manage Mailbox Menu
...or 99 to return to the
Main Menu.
You can select another Main Menu option.
Use Guest User IDs
Instruct your guest users to call the voice mail system and identify themselves as guest
users of your mailbox. Only then can they use voice mail to send, receive, and reply to
the messages with your mailbox (Host ID) as a typical voice mail user.
following steps.
1. Call the voice mail
2. Enter 998 + #.
Note Check with your System Administrator for
the User ID (default 998) configured for
your system.
3. Enter the Host User
The Host User ID’s greeting plays.
ID + #.
Note Your voice mail system uses the
combination of the Host User ID and the
Guest User ID to identify the caller as your
4. Enter + the Guest User
ID + #.
5. Enter the security
code + #.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Integration Features
This chapter covers the use of your voice mail with the Strata CTX. Call Forward,
Message Waiting, CTX Integration, Direct Transfer to Voice Mail and Voice Mail
Conference features, and Call Monitor are all described.
Call Forward
Note See Strata Telephone User Guides for additional information on programming
and using this feature on your phone.
There are two types of Call Forwarding: System and Station.
• System Call Forward (which is set in Programming) automatically directs calls to a
predefined location, such as Voice Mail.
• Station Call Forward enables you to assign Call Forward destinations for each
extension on your phone. Each extension can be independently set for a different
Call Forward feature. You can set a flexible button to perform any Call Forward
Call Forward must be set prior to receiving the call.
Note Station Call Forward takes priority over System Call Forward.
Forward. There are two ways to perform each Call Forward function. One, enter the
button sequence as described, or two, program a flexible button to perform the
³ To use the Call Forward button sequence
features require additional input, such as:
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Integration Features
Call Forward
• Destination – If the destination is an outside number, press # after entering the
destination. The CTX accepts destination numbers of up to 32 digits.
• Timer – This is a two digit entry representing how long (8 to 160 seconds) your
telephone should ring before forwarding the call. If you enter one digit, you
must press # after entering the single digit.
Also, in the following table, (Tone) means that a confirmation tone plays at that point
in the sequence.
Table 1
Call Forward Procedures
Button Sequence
Call Forward - Station
Call Forward Any Call (Internal and Incoming Line)
All Call
Press Extension button + #6011 (Tone) + Destination No. (Tone)
Press Extension button + #6021 (Tone) + Dest. No. (Tone)
Press Extension button + #6031 (Tone) + Dest. No. (Tone) + Timer + #
Press Extension button + #6041 + Dest. No. + Timer + #
Press Extension button + #6051 (Tone)
No Answer
Busy No Answer
Call Forward - System
Call Forward - Incoming Line Calls
All Calls
Extension button + #6013 (Tone) + Dest. No. (Tone)
Extension button + #6023 (Tone) + Dest. No. (Tone)
Extension button + #6033 + Dest. No. (Tone) + Timer (Tone) + #
Extension button + #6043 + Dest. No. (Tone) + Timer (Tone) + #
Extension button + #6053 (Tone)
No Answer
Busy No Answer
Call Forward - System
#620 (Tone)
#621 (Tone)
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Integration Features
Message Waiting
Message Waiting
Use your Msg LED/button and LCD to see/retrieve message(s).
An extension can receive up to four simultaneous Message Waiting indications and
LCD messages. One message is reserved for the Message Center.
Your phone can be programmed to have up to four additional (flexible) Message
Waiting buttons/LEDs. Ask if these buttons have been programmed on your phone. If
so, substitute them when the Msg button/LED is mentioned in the following steps.
Responding to a Lit Msg LED
1. On an LCD phone, if you see a “+” press Scroll to display additional messages;
otherwise, go to Step 2. The “+” indicates additional messages. The LCD can show
up to three station messages for your extension and three for each additional
(phantom) extension that you may have.
2. Press Msg, then lift the handset. Your phone rings the extension or voice mail
device that sent the indication. The LED continues to flash red.
3. After answering the message(s), place the handset back on-hook.
4. If the Msg LED continues to flash, you have more messages; repeat Steps 1~3
above to retrieve them. Voice mail devices turn off the LED/LCD indications after
a short delay, after you checked all messages.
5. To manually turn off your Msg LED, press your extension button, then press
#409. Do this step for each message received.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Integration Features
CIX Integration
Turning On/Off Message Waiting LED on Another
If you call an extension and it’s busy or there is no answer, you can light that
extension’s Message Waiting LED and enable that extension to call you back.
1. Dial an internal extension. You hear busy tone or there’s no answer.
2. Press Msg or 7. The Msg LED flashes red on the called phone. At your phone, the
Msg LED lights steady red and the LCD shows the station number where you set a
Message Waiting light.
3. Press Spkr. Your Msg LED turns Off. The Msg LED on the called telephone
flashes until the called party presses the flashing Msg button - which calls you
4. To turn Off a Message LED that you have set on another extension, press #64 plus
the extension number that has the message light set. Then hang up to release your
CIX Integration
Your company’s Toshiba Strata CIX phone system has the Proprietary Integration with
your voice mail enabled allowing you to have an additional feature at your disposal—
Soft Key Control of Voice Mail. If you cannot access this feature, check with your
System Administrator.
Soft Key Control of Voice Mail
If you have a Strata series phone equipped with a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) many
standard functions of the voice mail system can be displayed on the LCD screen and
operated by Soft Keys. Feature prompting makes voice mail functions easy to use via
visual displays on the telephone in place of listening to voice prompts over the
handset, although the voice prompts still play when soft keys are used.
Note For general information on using Soft Keys on your phone, please see the
Strata Telephone User Guides.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Integration Features
CIX Integration
When your telephone is idle, and a message
arrives for an extension on your phone, the Msg
LED is activated for the appropriate extension and
updates the LCD with this display (shown right).
If urgent messages are in the extension’s mailbox,
the SAVED display is replaced with the number of
URGENT messages.
Soft Keys
Soft Keys
Once connected to your voice mailbox, the LCD
displays the Main Menu options (shown at right).
Soft Keys
Soft Keys
You are then able to perform many of the standard
voice mail functions using the Soft Keys on your
phone (Play Messages menu example shown at
FRM: 5555
Soft Keys
Soft Keys
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Integration Features
Call Record (LVMU only)
Call Record (LVMU only)
While on active call, a station user can record the conversation and store it in a voice
mailbox. Recordings can also be paused or restarted. Depending upon your System
Administrator, you are given either a manual method of recording that allows you to
designate the mailbox where the recording will be sent or an auto method that
automatically sends the recording to a predefined mailbox that is assigned to the
phone you are using. This may be your personal mailbox.
Note Ask your System Administrator which method you need to use when recording
a call.
This feature requires the presence of a Record and optionally a Pause (Pause/Resume)
feature key to be programmed on your Strata telephone. Feature codes are not
Important! Mailboxes have a definable limit on the length one message can be. If
you plan on doing lengthy recordings using this feature, see your
System Administrator so your message recording time can be properly
To record a call
1. With a call in progress, press the Record key.
If you are using the auto method, the Record LED flashes rapidly and there is
approximately a one second interval before the recording starts and the Record
LED changes to the in-use interval flash rate. You are now recording. Continue to
Step 3.
...or if you are using the manual method, the Record LED flashes green rapidly.
Continue to Step 2.
2. (Manual method only) If you want to record the call to the predefined mailbox
associated with the phone you are using.
2.a. Press #, the Record LED flashes rapidly and there is approximately a one
second interval before the recording starts and the Record LED changes to the in-
use interval flash rate. You are now recording. Go to step 3.
..or if you want to record this call to another mailbox
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Integration Features
Call Record (LVMU only)
2.b. Enter the mailbox number (usually the extension number). Finish by pressing
#. The Record LED flashes rapidly and there is approximately a one second
interval before the recording starts and the Record LED changes to the in-use
interval flash rate. You are now recording.
3. To stop recording, press Record. The LED turns off and the recording stops. To
resume recording at this point you must begin a new recording. See step 1.
Pause/Resume Recording
You can pause the recording while continuing the conversation by pressing Pause key.
The Pause LED flashes red. Your conversation is no longer being recorded.
To resume recording as part of the same message, press the Pause button again. You
can pause and resume indefinitely throughout the conversation. The only limit may be
a message length imposed by the voice mail system
Call Monitor (LVMU only)
Note This feature requires the presence of a Call Monitor feature key to be
programmed on your Strata telephone. Feature code can be used to log out.
To active call monitor login by pressing the Call Monitor Key and entering your
Press "Call Monitor Key" + Password + #.
Following a successful login the Call Monitor LED light will be on.
When a caller enters the user's mailbox to leave a message Call Monitor LED flashes
• Single press allows user to listen to caller leaving message (one way monitor
Call Monitor LED flashes rapidly. Ending the monitor by hanging up does not
disconnect the caller. Attempting to put the call on hold will end monitoring.
• Second press connects caller to the user (two way speech).
The caller is given no warning when they are connected.
Hanging up now will disconnect the caller.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Integration Features
Direct Transfer to Voice Mailbox
To log out of call monitor when there is no caller in the voicemail box press Call
To log out at any time the Call monitor log out access code can be used (#963 by
Direct Transfer to Voice Mailbox
An internal user on the Strata CTX can transfer a call directly to another person’s
voice mailbox without waiting for the call to forward from the called party’s
telephone. The voice mailbox does not even need to be associated with an active
telephone in the Strata CTX.
Direct Transfer to Voice Mail simplifies getting a call for a busy or absent employee to
his/her mailbox. It eliminates the need for the caller to enter the desired mailbox
number after being connected to the voice mail system.
To transfer a call directly to Voice Mail (VM)
1. While on a call, press Cnf/Trn. You hear feature dial tone.
2. Press Direct Transfer to VM or enter #407. You hear entry tone.
3. Enter the VM mailbox number (usually the same as the extension number), then
press #. The call transfers immediately and your extension becomes idle. The
transferred party hears the greeting associated with the specified mailbox and can
then leave a message.
Note See Strata Telephone User Guide for information on programming this feature
on your phone.
Voice Mail Conference
Voice Mail ports may be included in conference calls. This enables all members of the
conference to listen to and play voice mail messages.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Notes to Users
Step 1: Safety Approval
Toshiba Information System (U.K.) Ltd declare that the Strata CTX and CIX product
ranges comply with the EEC’s LVD directive, (Directive No. 73/23/EEC). The
product has been assessed and found to comply with EN60950-1:2001.
The notes listed below form part of the products compliance with the aforementioned
European Norm.
1-1. Both systems must have an earth connection and must be hardwired to a main
distribution point. The main cabinet must be earthed.
1-2. Table A-1 below identifies and classifies the ports available on the system:
Table A-1
Type of Circuit
Port Location
Port Description
Power SupplyBPSU672F/
For connection of external 24 volt batteries.
Processor BoardsACTU1F,
For connection of external Music-On-Hold source
and Ethernet LAN connection
Ethernet I/F for CTX100 only
Notes to Users
Step 1: Safety Approval
Table A-1(continued)
Type of Circuit
Port Location
Port Description
For connection of Toshiba proprietary terminals.
For connection of Voice Mail and Call Logging
Equipment. RS232 ports.
BSLU1F/BSLS1F/ASTU1F/ For connection of Approved 2 wire devices.
PCOU2F/PCOUS2FRCOU/ For connection to PTO provided Loop Calling
Unguarded Clear exchange lines.
2 Cct ISDN2, (TBR3), Basic Rate I/F. For connection
to euro-ISDN services.
2 Cct ISDN2, (TBR3), Basic Rate I/F. For connection
to approved Euro-ISDN services & devices.
1 ccts ISDN30, (TBR4), primary rate I/F. For
connection to euro-ISDN services..
4 Cct AC15 Private Circuit I/F, (TBR17). For
connection to PTO Private Circuit services.
4 Cct DC5 Private Circuit I/F, (TBR 17). For
connection to PTO Private Circuit services.
Contains various ports for connection of audio
paging amplifiers, dry relay contacts to control
external equipment.
Voice Over IP interface cards. House Ethernet/
RS232 ports
Stratagy DK, IES32,
Integrated Voice Mail unit. Houses R232 ports.
Optical interface board for connecting remote
USB port for connection of PC for CTI
Headset ports on any of the range of key telephones.
8 port power failure Transfer Unit for BSTU and
RCOU units.
Passive extender units for CIX product
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Notes to Users
Step 1: Safety Approval
Table A-1(continued)
Type of Circuit
Port Location
Port Description
Passive extender units for CIX product
Any peripheral apparatus connected to the above ports must have the same EN60950
classification. ie.
SELV ports must only be connected to SELV type ports.
TNV ports must only be connected to TNV type ports.
1-3. The Strata CTX670 system must be hardwired into a switched fused spur, (which
should comply with the requirements of a disconnecting device as specified in
the standard EN60950), the switch on the fused spur outlet shall be considered
the AC power disconnection device. This spur must be installed in accordance
with 16th edition of the IEE wiring regulations, aka BS7671:1992. Or the latest
edition of this standard.
The Strata CTX100 system must be hardwired into a switched fused spur, (which
should comply with the requirements of a disconnecting device as specified in
the standard EN60950), the switch on the fused spur outlet shall be considered
the AC power disconnection device. This spur must be installed in accordance
with 16th edition of the IEE wiring regulations, aka BS7671:1992. Or the latest
edition of this standard.
The Strata CIX Office system must be hardwired into a switched fused spur,
(which should comply with the requirements of a disconnecting device as
specified in the standard EN60950), the switch on the fused spur outlet shall be
considered the AC power disconnection device. This spur must be installed in
accordance with 16th edition of the IEE wiring regulations, aka BS7671:1992 or
the latest edition of this standard.
1-4. Environmental Installation details.
The Strata CIX & CTX is designed to work within the following environmental
Operating temperature 0oC to 40oC
Humidity 20% to 80%
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Notes to Users
Step 2: EU Compliance
Step 2: EU Compliance
Toshiba Information Systems (U.K.) Ltd declare that the Strata CIX, CTX100 &
CTX670 complies with the EEC's EMC directive, Directive No. 89/366/EEC as
amended by directive 92/31/EEC. The product has been assessed and found to comply
with the following product specific standards:
• EN55022:1998-9, EN/IEC61000-3-2/1995, EN/IEC61000-3-3/1995
• EN52024:1998, EN61000-4-2/1995+A1:1998, EN61000-4-3/1997+A1:1998,
• EN61000-4-4/1995+A1:2001, EN61000-4-5/1995+A1:2001, EN61000-4-6/
1995+A1:2001, (Immunity)
The notes listed below form part of the products’ compliance with the aforementioned
European Norm.
To ensure EU compliance the system must installed in accordance with the
instructions in the “Installation and Maintenance” manual. In order to maintain
compliance any shielded cables supplied and/or ferrite suppression cores must be
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Notes to Users
Step 2: EU Compliance
Equipment details Strata CTX/CIX100
Base Cabinet Dimensions:
Height - 370mm
Expansion Cabinet Dimensions:
Height - 370mm
Width - 230mm
Depth - 259mm
Width - 303mm
Depth - 259mm
Weight - 8.8kg (fully equipped)
Weight - 6.9kg (fully equipped)
Equipment details Strata CTX/CIX670
Base Cabinet Dimensions:
Height - 296mm
Expansion Cabinet Dimensions:
Height - 254mm
Width - 672mm
Depth - 270mm
Width - 672mm
Depth - 270mm
Weight - 14.1kg (fully equipped)
Weight - 13.2kg (fully equipped)
Equipment details Strata CIX Office/CIX200
Base Cabinet Dimensions:
Height - 89mm
Expansion Cabinet Dimensions:
Height - 89mm
Width - 483 mm (with ears)
Width - 440 mm (without ears)
Depth - 410mm
Width - 483mm (with ears)
Width - 440mm (without ears)
Depth - 410mm
Weight - 7.2kg (cabinet & PSU)
Weight 7.0kg (cabinet & PSU)
Warning! This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this
Product may cause radio interference in which case the User
may be required to take adequate measures
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Notes to Users
Step 3: Type Approval
Step 3: Type Approval
Toshiba Information Systems (UK), Ltd, (TIU), hereby declares that the Strata CTX &
CIX product range complies with the requirements of the EC Directive 1999/5/EC,
(aka Radio & Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive). A manufacture's
Declaration under this Directive allows connection to the relevant Public Network
Services and the right to place the Product on the market.
The Strata CTX and CIX is classified as "Call Routing Apparatus" it is intended to be
connected to the various Public Telecommunications Network Services for the
purpose of generating and terminating "calls". Table 2 below lists the intended
purposes of the relevant system network interfaces
Table A-2
Interface Type
Network Service
Analogue Loop Calling Unguarded Lines. PD7002
Euro ISDN30 service. Approved to TBR 4 & TBR12.
Euro ISDN2 service. Approved to TBR 3.
Analogue 4 wire Private Circuits, uses AC15 signalling.
Approved to TBR 17.
Analogue 4 wire Private Circuits, uses DC5 signalling.
Approved to TBR 17.
The system must be installed in accordance with BS6701 parts 1 and 2, the latest issue
shall apply.
Toshiba Information Systems claim approval to OFTEL general variation NS/V/1235/
P/100020. The information contained in this paragraph supports Toshiba’s claim:
The following features require the interconnection of 2 or more exchange lines.
• Multi-party conferencing
• Call Forward External*
• Translation of Un-used Extension numbers*
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Notes to Users
Step 3: Type Approval
*Warning! These features can allow an Incoming callers access to an
outgoing exchange line. There is an engineering programming
parameter which can disable these features. In addition the
DISA feature can be “password” protected. USERS SHOULD
FRAUDULENT PURPOSES. Please consult your supplier to
ensure any necessary security measures are enabled.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Notes to Users
Step 4: Network Planning Information
Step 4: Network Planning Information
4-1. Strata CIX & CTX Tone Plan.
Table A-3 below lists the characteristics of the tones and signals used in Strata CIX &
Table A-3
Signal to:
N/A 0.12 ON 2s Off
Call on Hold
Music On Hold 1209Hz
Internaql Hold Tone
1. 500/640Hz
2. 1240/1560Hz
3. 840/1060Hz
I/C PSTN call Opt.1 & 2.
1s On 3s Off OR 1sOn 1s Off
1s On 3s Off OR 1sOn 1s Off
1s On 3s Off OR 1sOn 1s Off
I/C PSTN call Opt.3 & 4.
I/C PSTN call Opt.5 & 6.
4. 840/1060Hz (T1) &
1240/1560Hz (T2)
I/C PSTN call Opt.7.
I/C PSTN call Opt.8.
T1-0.5s ON T2-0.5s On 3s Off OR
T1-0.5s ON T2-0.5s On 3s Off
5. 2000Hz mod by 10Hz
5. 500Hz
I/C PSTN to Busy DKT
I/C Int call Opt 1
1s On 3s Off
6. 1300Hz
I/C Int call Opt 2
1s On 1 S Off
7. 1000/800Hz
8. 1000/800Hz
9. 660/500
Call from D/phone A
Call from D/phone B
Call from D/phone B
Busy/DND Override
Recall Indication
0.6s On 1000Hz/0.6s On 800Hz
0.6s On 1000Hz/0.6s 800Hz
0.7s On 660Hz/0.7s On 500Hz
1s On 3s Off
10. 2000Hz
11. 2000Hz 10Hz Intrpt
1s On 1 S Off
12. 860/1180Hz (T1) &
1300/1780Hz (T2)
Emergency Ring down
T1-0.5s ON T2-0.5s On Repeat
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Notes to Users
Step 4: Network Planning Information
Table A-3(continued)
Signal to:
1. 20Hz
0.4s On 0.2s Off 0.4s On 3s Off
1s On 3s Off
Ringing Signal Internal
Ringing Signal Internal
Voice Mail Answer
2. 20Hz
80 or 160mS
80 or 160mS
Voice Mail Disconnect
Voice Mail Recall
2 Wire extns 5. DTMF B
6. MWI Signal
7. 20Hz
80 or 160mS
0.9 ON/0.1s Off
Message Waiting Signal
Recall Ringing Signal
External Call waiting
Internal Call waiting
1s On 1 S Off
8. 1209Hz
2 bursts 0.16s On twice then 3s Off
2 bursts 0.5s On twice then 3s Off
9. 1209Hz
1. 350/440Hz
Dial Tone
2. 400(T1), 350/
4 bursts of 0.125s T2-3s On
5 bursts of 0.1s 3s On
0.4s On, 0.2s Off 0.4s On 2s Off
0.375s On/0.375s Off Repeated
0.375s On/0.375s Off Repeated
0.375s On/0.375s Off Repeated
1s On
DND Stutter Dial Tone
MW Stutter Dial Tone
Ringing Back Tone
Normal Extension Busy
Busy-Extension in DND
NU/Reorder Tone
Executive override
Entry Tone
3. 350/440Hz
4. 400/450Hz
5. 400Hz
6. 400Hz
7. 400Hz
8. 440Hz
3 bursts of 0.1s
9. 350/440Hz
T1-3 bursts of 0.25s, T2 0.25s three Operation rejected. In call
10. 1209Hz(T1),
Operation accepted In call
3 bursts of 0.125s
Progmg Operation
11. 350/440Hz
12. 2000Hz
2 bursts of 0.125s
0.75s On
Prgmg Operation rejected
CFD stutter dial tone
13. 2000Hz
1s On 2s Off Repeated
14. 350/440Hz
4-2. System Port to Port losses.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Notes to Users
Step 4: Network Planning Information
Table A-4 below lists the various “typical” transmission gains/losses when inter-
connecting the various port types.
Table A-4
System Port
-0.7 -1.5
-2.0 -2.0
PACU2F/PACU3F -0.7 -1.5 -3.4 -2.5 -3.4 -2.5 -2.0 -2.0 -6.0 -6.0
RSTU3F/ASTU -0.5 -1.0 -2.4 -2.8 -2.4 -2.8 -1.1 -1.5 -5.9 -6.2 -5.2 -5.2
-Values indicate a transmission loss.
4-3. Loudness Rating.
The table below lists the measured loudness rating of the Toshiba proprietary
SLR and RLR @ 0km PSTN. (All values are +/-dB)
Table A-5
System Port Type
-5dB to -16dB
2dB to -10dB
-2dB to -14dB
0dB to -9dB
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
This glossary defines frequently-used voice processing system features and functions.
Busy Greeting
You can select your custom busy or the system busy greeting
for callers to hear when your telephone is busy. If you do not
record your custom busy greeting, the system busy greeting
automatically plays.
Call Screening operates in on/off mode. When on, your voice
mail system asks callers for their name and company. Without
the caller’s knowledge, the system relays that information to
you. You can decide to receive the call, let the call forward to
your mailbox, or transfer the call to another extension with or
without announcement.
Call Screening
Someone who calls into the voice mail system. A caller can
obtain information, leave a message for someone, and/or
provide information.
The telephone user the caller reached. See “User.”
Called Party
A caller enters digits corresponding to the first few letters of a
user’s name and your voice mail system plays the recorded
name (and optionally extension) that matches the entered
digits. Your voice mail system offers the caller the option of
selecting the name and being transferred or hearing the next
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Do Not Disturb (DND) ~ Personal Greetings
Do Not Disturb operates in on/off mode. When on, your voice
mail system automatically sends calls to your User ID (mailbox)
without ringing your telephone first.
Do Not Disturb (DND)
Dual Tone Multi-frequency.
Messages play in either FIFO or LIFO order. FIFO plays
messages from oldest to newest.
FIFO (First In, First Out)
With future delivery, you can arrange for your message to be
delivered at a specific time and date in the future. Once you
send the message, you can use the Play Messages—Future
Delivery Review option to review, continue to send, or delete
the message.
Future Delivery
voice mail system
Guest User IDs provide limited access to the
Guest User ID
for temporary and project-oriented employees, such as
consultants and contractors. Guest users can only send
messages to their Host User ID and other guests of their Host
User ID.
Messages play in either LIFO or FIFO order. LIFO plays
messages from newest to oldest.
LIFO (Last In, First Out)
See User ID.
Mailbox (User ID)
Name Recording
Your name (and optionally, extension) recording is used for the
directory, system greeting, and User ID.
There are two message queues: new and saved. The new
message queue contains unheard and partially heard
messages. When playing new messages, urgent messages
always play first.
New Message Queue
You may record up to seven personal greetings that are played
for callers when you are unavailable. Although only one
greeting can be in effect at any one time, you can switch
between the greetings by entering the greeting number, or pre-
schedule different greetings to play at a certain time and/or day.
Personal Greetings
Greetings can be reviewed or re-recorded. You can also select
the default system greeting.
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Personal List ~ Tone-dialling Telephone
Personal List
You can create/modify up to seven personal destination
(distribution) lists of User IDs and record a list comment for
identification. When sending messages, you can select a User
ID, personal list, system list, and/or the directory as the
You can mark a message “private,” meaning the message
cannot be forwarded by the recipient to another user. The
recipient is told the message has the Private attribute set when
listening to his/her messages.
Private Messages
Return Receipt
When sending, forwarding, or replying to a message, you can
request a return receipt. Your voice mail system notifies you
when and by whom the message was received. The recipient is
not notified that receipt verification was requested and cannot
circumvent the procedure.
There are two message queues: new and saved. The saved
message queue contains messages that you saved or that
were automatically saved by the system. Messages flagged to
be saved are moved to the saved message queue after you
have logged out of your mailbox.
Saved Message Queue
Each User ID in the system has a security code. You must enter
your security code to access your mailbox. The security code
ensures the privacy of your messages, personal greetings, etc.
Security Code
The representative in your company responsible for configuring
the voice mail system and your mailbox to suit you and your
companies needs.
System Administrator
System Greeting
Pre-recorded greeting that adds your recorded name (and
extension, if required): “Please leave a message for (name).”
Can be used by any user on the voice mail system. Based on
your selection, callers hear the system greeting or a personal
Destination (distribution) list of User IDs created and
maintained by the System Administrator. Any user on the voice
mail system can use the list. When sending messages, you can
choose a User ID, personal list, system list, and/or the directory
as the destination.
System List
DTMF push-button tone dialling telephone.
Tone-dialling Telephone
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
Urgent Messages ~ User Notification
Messages are marked Urgent by the sender and by default, are
played first, followed by all other messages. The System
Administrator can set a notification record to use pager
notification exclusively whenever Urgent messages are
Urgent Messages
Subscriber of the mailbox, also known as a mailbox user. A
user has access to one or more User IDs in the system by
knowing the security codes. Once a user accesses his/her User
ID, he/she can play back messages, delete those messages,
send them to other User IDs, etc.
Number for the mailbox user, also known as a voice mailbox.
User ID/User ID Mailboxes
A user mailbox records messages from callers. A user
periodically checks the mailbox for messages, etc., or a variety
of automatic notification methods can be employed. There is
generally one mailbox for each extension, although several
mailboxes can share a single extension when multiple users
share the same telephone line.
Each User ID can have up to 10 notification records set by the
System Administrator to automatically call and notify you of
messages. You can enable/disable the notify method for each
of these records or change the notification telephone number.
User Notification
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
about this guide
conventions, vi
organisation, v
delete, 28
play, 28
basic functions
delete, 26
forward, 26
play, 25
reply, 26
save, 25
record, 55
select, 56
extension, vi
call forward
system, 65
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
F ~ M
personalise, 4
review, 27
lists, 61
mailbox, 45
setting, 44
greeting, 46
main, 3
message waiting light
on, 68
change, 46
personal, 7
create, 47
system, 7
append, 35
guest user IDs
manage, 63
use, 64
volume, 23
manage, 61
destination, 9
access, 14
exit, 19
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
N ~ R
notification, 58
play, 21
queues, 4
re-record, 35
replay, 26
volume, 23
send, 31
types, 6
controls, 32
recording, 16
notification, 58
comment, 39
recording, 35
reply, 41
comment, 38
message, 35
reply, 40
greeting, 7
create, 47
comment, 38
recording, 35
reply, 40
name, 16
Strata LVMU/GVMU Voice Processing System User Guide 7/06
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